The goal of MS4PLASTIC project is to open up new frontiers in the sample pre-treatment and pre-concentration protocols, as well as characterization of low µm-range microplastics and nanoplastics (1nm-20µm) in edible fish and shellfish samples by new, cutting edge methods being ICP-mass spectrometry operated in (i) single-event mode for the ultra-fast monitoring of transient signals and (ii) smart hyphenation strategies, combined with size-based fractionation techniques, such as size exclusion chromatography and field flow fractionation, as well as pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The achievement of these goals requires a multidisciplinary and complementary approach including analytical chemistry, instrumental methods, and nanometrology. This fellowship will focus on a wide range of transferable and scientific skills and involve carefully planned dissemination, exploitation and communication activities that will reinforce the fellow, the host institution, the scientific community, regulatory agencies, industry, and public worldwide. Importantly, this project will provide fellow the interdisciplinary expertise and allow her to be in a strategic position of maturity to design, lead and deliver high-impact future research projects; and be recognized as a leading expert for academic and non-academic sector.